This is a picture of Helen with her father Hans Minnes probably about 1920. Also in the picuture is Anna Marie Van Malsen VanderStel Avink and her son Richard. Her husband Martin VanderStel died in a railroad accident and she remarried William Avink.
This is a picture of the Willem Van Malsen Family in 1915. Back: Anne, Hans, Marie, Peter. Middle: Wilhelmina (Minnie), Mabel, Willem, Bert, Hiltje (Helen), Clarence. Front: Elizabeth (Hazel).
This is a picture of the Van Malsen house.
This is a picture of the Van Malsen children having tea on their front porch.
Here is Helen with two of her children.
Here is a picture of the Van Malsen family with the DeYoung family when Helen, Hazel, and Willem visited in the early 1920’s. From l-r Lowell, Hazel, Ida, Frances, Harry, Ellen, Lowell, Willem, and Helen.
Here is a picture of the DeYoungs, Van Malsens and Dykstras on the same trip. From l-r Nellie, Ida, Helen, Pete, Harry, Willem and Ida Dykstra.
Here is a picture of the DeYoung children with Hazel Van Malsen. From l-r Milford, Frances, Lowell, Hazel.
Here are two of Willem and Hazels older children.
Here is the picture that goes with Helen’s Obituary. Grand Rapids Herald Wednesday March 24, 1926. Mrs. William VanMalsen, aged 58 died last night at her home, 1057 Prin ce St., SE, after an illness of more than a year. Mrs. Van Malsen came to Grand Rapids from The Netherlands, 45 years ago, and had lived here since. Besides her husband she leaves four sons, Peter, Clarence, John and Burt, and five daughters, Mrs. William Avink, Mrs. John Scharperkotter, Hazel, Marie and Mabel Van Malsen; and two brothers, Burt DeJong of Grand Rapids and Minne DeJong of Kent, Wash. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the home and 2:30 at Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church. Rev. J.A. Dykstra of Central Reformed Church will officiate. Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Grand Rapids, Michigan Herald 10.29.1929 with picture of Peter Van Malsen titled Last Rites Today for War Veteran and Businessman . It goes on to say “Peter Van Malsen 33 of 1045 Alto St SE who died in Butterworth Hospital. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 in Oakdale Park Reformed Church by Rev. A. Maatman. Burial will be in the Oak Hill Cemetery.
Here is the wedding picture of Mabel and Clarence Shipper in 1933.
Here is a picture of Bert Van Malsen.
This is a picture of Wilhelmina Wigboldina Nijholt Van Malsen – Willem Van Malsen’s mother.